We offer plugins and guides for major platforms so you can quickly integrate Clearsale's solution in your CMS or ecommerce platform. Clients on major platforms can integrate in just three easy steps:
A guide for major ecommerce platform developers
to integrate with ClearSale's fraud protection solution.
We offer plugins and guides for major platforms so you can quickly integrate Clearsale's solution in your CMS or ecommerce platform. Clients on major platforms can integrate in just three easy steps:
Our API library and client service team make manual integration simple.
LEARN MOREThis manual provides the information required for mobile application developers to integrate their applications with our solution, both for Android and iOS
LEARN MORE"Their customer service is the best. They are quick to respond and answer questions regarding orders that are denied."
"I love that it takes the stress away from me worrying about fraud charges."
"ClearSale has a great fraud protection program using their algorithmic matching of potentially fake orders, and will scan them as they come up and reject them if they are suspected as fraud."
"The competitive rates, their quick response to customer service"
The best ecommerce fraud
protection solution for online stores.
Increase your approval rate with our
Merchant Chargeback Insurance Solution