
Volusion Installation Guide

Our Volusion app is designed to connect your shop to ClearSale. We will guide you through the simple steps to integrate ClearSale into your Volusion store.

Before you install the ClearSale app, please make sure that you have your ClearSale dashboard credentials nearby.

We will guide you through three simple steps to integrate in your Volusion store.

First Step - Download our plugin

Generate the API URL To Send to the integration team:

Go to: Inventory >Import/Export >Volusion API > Generic >Run

On the next page click on the run button.

Copy the URL and send to integration@clear.sale



Second Step

Upload the ClearSale Module Files on your FTP Server:

Download the file https://plugins.clear.sale/Volusion/volusion_pkg.zip

Extract the files and upload to your FTP server at /vspfiles/schema/Generic directory:

Please send an email to integration team (integration@clear.sale) to inform that the installation is done.



Customer Service – For questions related to order analysis and requests.


Technical Support – For general technical inquiries regarding the extension / functions.


Integration Support – For questions related to the initial setup and use of the extension.




ClearSale Reviews


Amazing - takes the stress away from me!

"I love that it takes the stress away from me worrying about fraud charges."

Dustin D.


From the viewpoint of someone who has been the victim of credit card fraud

"We are in the Durable Medical Equipment supply industry and we use Shopify as our shopping cart. With Covid 19 we have seen a tremendous increase web traffic and online purchases. Prior to Covid 19 we had a number of fraudulent transactions that led to multiple investigations on Local, State and Federal levels all of which produced no returns only because the crooks were faster. This cost us in..."



Clear Sale gives us confidence that we will get paid

"ClearSale is very good, the orders get approved quickly ,which is great so we know we can confidently send out the goods. Payment confirmation usually happens in 2-3 hrs. Once that happens we know we are covered."

Tony H.


Excellent service - both timeliness and fraud control

"I have always received immediate response and minimal fraud rejection -- which leads to increased sales."



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