Our Bold Checkout integration is designed to quickly connect your shop to ClearSale's API and immediately protect your business from fraud and false declines!
Below, we'll guide you through 3 simple steps to add ClearSale to your Bold Checkout Experience.
Before you install ClearSale, please make sure that you have your ClearSale credentials nearby.
If you need any help with the installation, please contact us at integration@clear.sale.
Click the "Install" button and follow the steps to log into your ClearSale account.
**Note** In this example, you're shown a BigCommerce integration - The same steps (or similar) hold true to all other Bold Checkout integrations.
Upon clicking "Install" you will be redirected to a page where you'll need to allow ClearSale to connect. Click "Allow" to continue.
Email integration@clear.sale to have our team connect your shop to ClearSale
All orders placed after the plugin installation can be checked at https://app.clear.sale
Additional note: If you run into any issues with the App, please try another browser and reach out to our integration team to let us know.
Customer Service – For questions related to order analysis and requests.
Technical Support – For general technical inquiries regarding the extension / functions.
Integration Support – For questions related to the initial setup and use of the extension.
"Quick fraud detection on all orders. Ease of use on the platform. Never had a chargeback."
"I have always received immediate response and minimal fraud rejection -- which leads to increased sales."
"ClearSale is very good, the orders get approved quickly ,which is great so we know we can confidently send out the goods. Payment confirmation usually happens in 2-3 hrs. Once that happens we know we are covered."
"Their customer service is the best. They are quick to respond and answer questions regarding orders that are denied."
The best ecommerce fraud
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