
We Never Auto-Decline. Ever.

Your Approval Rate
Should Be Higher

Chances are, your fraud program is declining good customers, which means they won't be your customers for long.

The right fraud prevention solution will approve more orders, give you more sales and make your customers happier.


You could be leaving money on the table

Most automated fraud programs are focused on finding and declining potential fraud. That’s great, except their fraud scoring and fraud filters are highly sensitive. Anything that even looks suspicious is declined.

Instead, we focus on approving more orders and helping you deliver a better customer experience. All without exposing your business to fraud and chargebacks. That way, you can take advantage of every legitimate sale.

Up to 90% of declined transactions are legitimate orders.

Up to 90% of declined transactions are legitimate orders.

(source: Aite)
For every $1 in losses due to credit card fraud, merchants lose $13 to false declines.

For every $1 in losses due to credit card fraud, merchants lose $13 to false declines.

(source: Javelin)
62% of merchants report their false decline rates have increased over the past two years.

62% of merchants report their false decline rates have increased over the past two years.

(source: Aite)
1 in 6 U.S. cardholders has experienced at least one false decline.

1 in 6 U.S. cardholders has experienced at least one false decline.

(source: Javelin)
32% of customers who are falsely declined choose not to shop with that merchant again.

32% of customers who are falsely declined choose not to shop with that merchant again.

(source: Javelin)
Consumers tell 15 people on average about poor brand experiences.

Consumers tell 15 people on average about poor brand experiences.

(source: American Express)

ClearSale gives you more sales, more revenue and happier customers.

Protect your business from false declines with ClearSale!

Our proprietary technology “learns” your unique business model.

Using our platform, we build a custom fraud scoring algorithm that perfectly matches your fraud risk profile. That means we have the data intelligence to auto-approve more of your orders than can virtually any solution out there.

Our AI can distinguish between outright fraud and user error.

Instead of automatically declining anything that could be fraud, we quarantine what is fraud and flag the few remaining suspicious orders for further assessment. Our fraud analysts have fought fraudsters in the world’s riskiest regions – they know exactly what to look for.

Our team works hard to approve every remaining order.

We gather evidence and dissect every questionable order to validate whether it is truly fraudulent. Two separate analysts have to agree that an order should be declined.

By focusing on approvals, ClearSale helps prevent false declines and manages your risk of fraud and chargebacks. It’s what has earned us the lowest false decline rates and highest approval rates in the industry.

Discuss your chargeback options with a

ClearSale fraud expert

ClearSale reviews sourced by G2