
"We trust ClearSale to decide what transactions to approve so we can focus entirely on other business matters."

- Marcelo Vicente
Contact Lenses
Parana, Brasil

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Contact Lens Merchant Sees Clearer Path to Growth with ClearSale

At Paraná Lentes, fraud management was drawing employee focus away from the core business. The contact lens company needed fraud prevention that could beat the challenges of CNP sales into 150-plus countries while keeping legitimate customers happy. Paraná Lentes chose ClearSale and got the results they were looking for.









The Challenge: Rising Risk, Customer Service, Business Focus

Protect cross-border CNP sales

Paraná Lentes, like other cross-border fashion and beauty CNP merchants, faced rising fraud attempts. It also needed to protect its relationships with good customers around the world by avoiding false declines of legitimate orders. Additional factors such as varied delivery timeframes and multiple customer time zones added to the company’s fraud prevention challenges.

Maintain excellent customer service

Paraná Lentes needed order-verification support for flagged transactions in multiple languages and with expertise in customer-relations etiquette across multiple markets, especially in the Persian Gulf region, Western Europe, and North America.

Give the client more time to focus on operations

Fraud management tasks were pulling Paraná Lentes team attention away from the core business mission. The company’s longstanding goal to develop its own brand of cosmetic lenses was stuck in the planning phase.

The Solution: ClearSale Total Guaranteed Protection

Paraná Lentes chose ClearSale’s Total Guaranteed Protection solution for its US and worldwide sales. ClearSale has more than 15 years of experience protecting major international brands in some of the most dynamic and challenging markets. Its team of more than 700 problem-solvers serves clients selling around the globe.

For Paraná Lentes, ClearSale:

  • Screened each order
  • Established contact as needed with retail, wholesale, and special occasion buyers to verify transactions
  • Provided, for each order, a decision whether to approve it or not
  • Provided real-time, transparent reports on orders, approval rates, and chargeback rates
  • Made fraud protection costs predictable, yet flexible according to sales
  • Covered 100% of all chargeback-related costs

The Results: More Approvals, More Cross-Border Sales

With ClearSale’s Total Guaranteed Protection, Paraná Lentes experienced:

  • 31% increase in overall transactions in the first three months
  • 35% increase in cross-border transactions in the first three months
  • 97% approval rate for cross-border transactions
  • Guaranteed decisions for order values up to $25,000 (USD)

Freedom to expand without undue risk

In addition to screening based on Paraná Lentes’ industry and markets, ClearSale’s proprietary technology and analysis also pinpointed the highest-risk locations, devices, and categories for fraud attempts against Paraná Lentes. That led to specific measures to protect transactions and maintain good customer relationships.

Freedom to focus on the core business

Marcelo Vicente, CEO and founder of Paraná Lentes, credits Total Guaranteed Protection with freeing up time for new product development. “Thanks to ClearSale, we now have the time and focus to develop a project we had been thinking about for a long time—our own brand of lenses to be marketed worldwide. We trust ClearSale to decide what transactions to approve so we can focus entirely on other business matters.”

Go ahead and grow

International sales growth, custom-tailored fraud protection, no chargebacks, total confidence. Are you looking for the freedom to sell worldwide? Learn how our fully outsourced Total Guaranteed Protection can free you to grow and expand your business while we protect you from fraud.

Call us at (786) 888-4584 or email

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More than 3000 clients trust ClearSale to outsource their online fraud operations

ClearSale reviews by G2

Saves a ton of time and headaches!


"I don't have to spend time researching orders to see if they are fraud or not. I love that clearsale backs up their approvals with a money back guarantee if the order turns out to be fraud."

Great service and Peace of Mind


"ClearSale offers a great service that comes with a complete peace of mind. Their staff are easy to reach and pleasant to deal with. I particularly enjoy that I no longer have to spend hours a day investigating customers who purchase from our online store and try to determine if they are legitimate or not. No more rolling the dice with our business. ClearSale also backs up all their..."

Excellent service - both timeliness and fraud control


"I have always received immediate response and minimal fraud rejection -- which leads to increased sales."

From the viewpoint of someone who has been the victim of Credit Card Fraud


"We are in the Durable Medical Equipment supply industry and we use Shopify as our shopping cart. With Covid 19 we have seen a tremendous increase web traffic and online purchases. Prior to Covid 19 we had a number of fraudulent transactions that led to multiple investigations on Local, State and Federal levels all of which produced no returns only because the crooks were faster. This cost us in..."

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Find out how to prevent chargebacks AND sell more. Talk with a ClearSale CNP fraud expert today!